Top JavaScript Blog to Improve Coding Skills
With two decades of improvement, JavaScript has become one of the most popular programming languages of all time. The journey started in 1995 when Brendan Eich created JavaScript in just 10 days. From there, it has seen multiple revisions, drafts, and growth in the form of frameworks, API’s, modules, etc. Today, we will go forward and list the top JavaScript blogs from the internet so that you can enjoy the lastest development in the field of JavaScript.
According to RedMonk programming language rankings and, JavaScript is leading the pack in the terms of repositories and the most discussed programming language on StackOverFlow. The numbers itself speaks about the future of JavaScript as it has grown beyond the initial capabilities of simple DOM manipulations.
Learning JavaScript, on the other hand, can be a tricky proposition. New libraries, features, API’s or Style Guide, pop up almost every day. The speed of iteration is beyond imagination, and that is why reading leading JavaScript blogs are the best approach to keep up with new changes.
Some blogs are just gold even when they are not updated frequently. To help you reach the best content on JavaScript, let’s list the best JavaScript blog on the internet. The following blogs have a huge fan following and contain epic JavaScript content.
Yarkul - Full Stack Developer Blog
This blog owner name is Yaroslav and is a side project of his. He has been a full-stack developer for over 15 years, and He is now a developer at one of the well-known company in Ukraine.
He began as way to share his software knowledge with others, and to create a helpful library of short tutorials for C#, MS SQL, Java Script, jQuery, Angular, and other technologies.
Take some time to look around, and feel free to contact his with any questions or comments you may have.
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